I need to start asking this question daily!

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This is very useful and dovetails nicely with something I am personally working on, like right now in my life. It's the fact that the "what's wrong" conversation is not essentially a matter of an external exchange, but an internal habitual state. I'm working on an article now about my experience with this, but basically, I'm discovering that I there is a tension pattern I hold in my body, which includes how I am breathing, that starts the "what's wrong" conversation before I'm even aware of it. So personally I'm working on changing this inner, and quite bodily, conversation, assuming it this will be the foundation of having the visible conversations with others that you describe here.

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You just wrote (brilliantly, I'd say) about something that's been on my mind for ages: focusing on the positives, finding the silver lining. I think this may very well be the secret of life. Great piece, Eric.

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