Eric, Great meeting you today. Thank you for the contribution to me in our breakout session.

This passage especially resonated with me "Secondly, we are also influenced by the stories that we tell ourselves." I've been committed to intentional development over the past two decades and the biggest realization I had early on, was the 'subconscious' stories we are always telling ourselves. They run in the background of our minds continuously. Becoming aware of them is paramount and then working with them, overriding them with new stories takes considerable work and practice. As you expressed, if you don't ever become aware, it's hard, if not impossible, to transform yourself.

I look forward to reading more of your work. Thank you.

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Cheers James! Yeh those stories are like the din a crowd makes. They’re they’re but we don’t hear really what’s being said until we start tuning in!

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