Hahaha I love the connection to David’s butt cheeks! Really, great photos. I distinctly remember a few years ago when someone I was dating (metaphorically) grabbed me by the shoulders and said “you don’t have to get diabetes.” Growing up, everyone in my family had it and so all the kids ate sugar, joking that we would get it too! That was a big awakening for me, that like you said, genetics may have loaded the gun, but I still have control over my diet and my life.

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I’ll never look at David in the same way. Thank you for sharing.

I’d love to learn more about your experience with Dynamic Neural Retraining System and Amygdala training. I’ve never heard of those and am very curious.

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Awesome piece, Eric. So packed with great insights and thought-provoking ideas. And this: “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” You reminded me of this great idea from the Maestro himself. It's all in there already, you just have to get rid of the superfluous. Such a powerful concept. And the back of Michelangelo's David. I mean, how he created those perfect details. Just sublime, every single time I look at it. I have to say that I myself am partial to Michelangelo's David. :)

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Great stuff Eric! For me personally, I know I need to get back to cutting dairy and gluten out of my diet. I ALWAYS feel better after a few weeks of cleaner eating (mostly paleo-style).

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Such a great post. I loved the idea of using David as a broader reflection on health!

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This article should have come with a warning label for those trying to be gluteous free. Lately I've surrendered to being part of the dog walking team for our new pet. As much as I campaigned against pet ownership I'm actually loving the excuse for lots of walks in the spring weather. And it's keeping my legs in shape, just in case someone wants to carve a 17-foot high statue of me one day.

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