Wow Eric. This article is packed with useful information, important distinctions, and I love the story about your client who had skipped over caring and found his heart brain in the midst of the daily grind. I need to come back to your article as its such a useful reminder of what I already know, but need to put more consistently into practice.

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Rick - 🙏🏻 thank you.

This newsletter was meant to be a short one. But it morphed and took on a life of its own as I kept on going down rabbit holes.

It's not surprise to me that you understand the power of these practices. The challenge - for me as well as you - is to have that consistency in practice.

It's a challenge when we're in the midst of the daily grind. But I found the phrase that describes the capacity to resist and impulse and switch to a different behaviour: Effortful Control.

I think the name speaks volumes about that challenge of snapping out of our habitual, default practices that have carved their groove over many years!

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Yes, and when it comes down to shaping and re-shaping our lives there is no way around the effort part, it just takes consistent repetition and a commitment to the process of change. I don't know if you read Rachael Tiss's substack, but she has a great article posted today that is titled The Graceful Discipline Scale. It's a brilliant description of the necessary balance between the needed effort and discipline and the relaxation that allows for consistency over time. In any case, I didn't feel led down any "rabbit holes" with your article, it's all relevant and useful stuff. Glad to be following you here.

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Such an interesting read Eric! Just like your newsletter's name, you truly make writing clearly seem effortless. It is a rare skill to write about a complex topic in simple words. If anyone can do this, it is you!

I loved the part about the brain-gut axis. There has been a lot of clinical research on the role your gut plays in your mental wellbeing. I'm curious, have you read the book, "The Mind Gut Connection" by Emeran Mayer?

Also, thanks for the mention and the praise! I am very honoured :)

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