Greetings from Cape Town!
This week’s newsletter didn’t go out yesterday as planned. I was holed up in bed with food poisoning. Something I seem to succumb to whenever I’m here. Fortunately, I’m feeling much better today, so here’s edition 56!
It's that time of the year again, isn't it?
You've had some hearty meals.
Maybe you've had a few drinks too many over the past few days.
And you're now thinking about what you should be doing in 2024.
Your inbox is prompting you with emails saying it would be a good idea to do an annual review - a look back at the past, and what you want to do in this coming year.
Or you're thinking about what fitness routine you should start (and stop!) in January?
But then you recall last year's New Year's resolutions and how you didn't quite eek them out beyond January.
And the annual review you did lost its trance-like power and had fizzled away at some point during the year.
How about trying something different?
“2024 is the year of …”
Finish the sentence above by stating what you want to pay attention to.
It's something I've done for the past two years.
In 2022, it was awareness.
In 2023, it was presence.
Choosing a single word allows for time, curiosity, and experimentation with a large dose of ‘lightness” that makes it fun.
There's no need to pressure yourself about goals or resolutions that weren’t met: simply observe and notice as the year goes by where your chosen word shows up in your life. Like:
When are you most aware?
When is presence challenging?
For 2024, I'm paying attention to effortlessness.
If you want to find out more about the benefit of setting an intention over setting new year's resolutions and doing annual reviews, especially when they've failed for you in the past, take a look at this article I shared at the end of 2021.
Over to you
What word will you choose to pay attention to in 2024?
Let me know!
ps If you’re an entrepreneur, a lawyer or another high-flying professional - who’s looking to bring joy back into your work and home life - by building a healthy brain for a career that’s full of success in a way that feels effortless, get in touch and let’s have a conversation.
That’s it for this week!
As always, I appreciate your feedback on Effortless Thursdays.
If Effortless Thursdays resonated with you, I'd be grateful if you told just one friend to subscribe. They and you can always unsubscribe using the link below.
What did you think of this week’s edition? How can I make it more useful to you? Let me know in the comments, by email, on Twitter or on LinkedIn.
To your health and success!
Happy new year, Eric! What an incredible photo.
So sorry to hear about the food poisoning but glad you've recovered.
Thanks for the 2024 word prompt. Mine is "harvest." The last 4 years have marked huge pivots for me (moving overseas, becoming an entrepreneur, etc.). It's been a grind and this new era will mark one of reaping rewards of years past while slowing down to enjoy them.
Nothing like a little food poisoning when you're traveling! I hope you're all recovered up.
My focus this year is "community." In addition to the the community we launched for our business, I want to foster and engage with a broader community at large. This means finding people with shared values and helping to build a better future together.