Happy new year, Eric! What an incredible photo.

So sorry to hear about the food poisoning but glad you've recovered.

Thanks for the 2024 word prompt. Mine is "harvest." The last 4 years have marked huge pivots for me (moving overseas, becoming an entrepreneur, etc.). It's been a grind and this new era will mark one of reaping rewards of years past while slowing down to enjoy them.

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A fitting choice, Ali! Harvesting is only possible after lots of sowing, tending, and nurturing and you’ve been doing that in spades. Your harvest already sounds bounteous!

Food poisoning was rubbish, but it only lasted a day and a bit. Thanks for your concern!

And happy new year!

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Nothing like a little food poisoning when you're traveling! I hope you're all recovered up.

My focus this year is "community." In addition to the the community we launched for our business, I want to foster and engage with a broader community at large. This means finding people with shared values and helping to build a better future together.

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Too right! Much better now, thanks.

It’s one of the things you do effortlessly, James - bringing people together. Looking forward to seeing how community evolves for you this year!

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Happy 2024, Eric! Hope your year is starting off happily, healthily, and warmly.

My word of 2023 was "discomfort" and geez, discomfort did it bring me. But discomfort yields growth, and I knew I needed to be a little antsy to grow after being in comfort for so long.

My word of 2024 is "journey to the center of the earth". Not exactly a word... but I'm open to accepting what will happen and where the year will take me.

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I think if you say it fast enough, it sounds like one word!!!

I love the openness and curiosity you're bringing to your journey.

Happy 2024. May it have the growth without so much of the discomfort!

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