“choose the seeds you’re watering” is the message I needed to hear today

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Cheers, Michelle! I always enjoy hearing these words and metaphors about seeds. We simply have no idea what will emerge from a seed, but if we sow the right ones and nurture them enough, they'll create deep, strong roots that enable what's surrounding it to transform.

Happy holidays!

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What a wonderful post Eric. One of my favorites of your's so far. A very unique and useful framework for considering gift-giving at this time of year. I'm going to bring your perspective to a family gathering for our shared discussion. As for me, the seeds I'm choosing to water in 2024 are the spoken stories of others, and the value of those stories being shared in the world.

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Thank you Rick!

It was a fun one to write. Maybe there's a link between that and how they're received!

I love that this has sparked an idea for discussing gift-giving with your family.

The seeds you're choosing to water - spoken stories of others and the value of those being shared in the world - is something you're already doing with panache and aplomb. I can't wait to see how the shoots, and trees, will grow in the coming year! I'm excited to be a witness to it.

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I missed this in the Christmas rush, but so glad I got to read it today. What a brilliant, BRILLIANT, B R I L L I A N T stocking stuffer suggestion. The "seeds you are watering", "your presence"

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