I'm shocked how little attention metabolic health gets, specifically how people should be paying attention to their glucose levels.

I had my awakening to this in college. I used to have toast with Nutella for breakfast on a regular basis. I noticed that around 9:30 each morning I would have a major crash. Tired. Dizzy. Difficulty focusing.

After digging deeper, I realized that I was pumping my body full of carbs, spiking my insulin, then following with a crash. My doctors thought I had a mild case of hypoglycemia from it.

I've since completely changed the way I view nutrition. My mornings now start with a greens drink (essentially my multivitamins), a fasted workout, then a protein shake. My first dose of heavy carbs won't come until lunch, if not dinner. This, along with a focus on building muscle, has lead me to have far less ups and downs in the day.

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I stopped eating breakfast altogether about 2 years now. I feel like my brain is so much sharper without anything in me.

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The profile of the couple was the sugar of this piece that made it go down so well. I so appreciate you setting this useful information in a well-storied context. All health writing should be like this. Which is kind of a meta thought, that there is something about just shooting straight information into people's veins that seems as unhealthy to the spirit as sugar out of context from natural foods is to the body.

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Eric, what is your perspective on sugar intake during a high intensity strength training session or post workout?

I’ve been lifting for a year now, and per a recommendation from my bodybuilder friends, I drink a Gatorade or eat a few gummy candies in between sets for a burst of energy.

After an intense strength training session, I’ll drink a glass of juice as I understand this will aide my recovery and tissue building during a “build / massing” phase.

Would you advise against this?

In any case, I’m starting a “cut” next week, so it’s time to say farewell to sugar as much as possible 😂

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Such a great piece! I’m biased, I’m as anti sugar as you can get, so when you were talking about sugary drinks, I was vigorously nodding along. When I cut sugar out of my diet, I started to religiously read the nutrition label on everything. I was so shocked to see that most “healthy” smoothies have the same amount of sugar as a Coca Cola. Beautiful imagery in this piece too!

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I was just about to DM you that I'd committed treason against the King by putting heavy cream in my Yorkshire Gold :)

As a tea lover, this is a tough habit to change. I love black tea with milk and a teaspoon of sugar or honey. How do you handle this one, Eric? Just take it black? Switch to green tea or oolong?

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